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Workshop: Flying Wires - DIY Basic Electronics w/ Adele Knall

  • Sounds Queer? DIY Synth Laboratory 10 Viktor-Christ-Gasse Wien, Wien, 1050 Austria (map)

In this workshop, we gonna learn about the basics of electronics. How electricity works and what all those weird symbols in a circuit are and how they actually look like.
To deepen our understanding we will build our first little sound machine with the technique of flying wire. This means that we will work without a PCB (Printed Circuit Board), which allows us to understand the ways between the components plus you can always put it on a wall like a painting.

No pre-experience needed.

Duration: 3 h.

Number of participants: 10

15€ paid in advance. All materials included. (For each workshop, there is one free/gratis spot for folks who are unemployed, migrants, refugees and others who are underprivileged economically. Write us an e-mail and we will help you out. Priority will be given to queer-identified people and women.)

Language: English, German and ÖGS (Austrian Sign language)


Adele Knall - A | M | K (1990, Austria) is a visual artist, radio producer, musician and cultural and social anthropologist, lives and works in Vienna. Studied Jazz at the Vienna Conservatory and Art and Digital Media at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She focuses on sound, installation, animation, video, 35mm film, language, performance, hacking, sculpture, DIY. In 2017 „50Hz“, a radio project she co-founded, won the Austrian Radio Prize for Adult Education.