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Workshop: Its Punk Time! - Electronics w/ Adele Knall

  • Sounds Queer? DIY Synth Laboratory 10 Viktor-Christ-Gasse Wien, Wien, 1050 Austria (map)

We are going to build Synths that are somehow related to Atari Punks. This square wave oscillator is easy to build and allows us to learn to solder while creating a unique synthesizer.
For the more experienced of you, we can think of preparing Sequencer Sets – please let us know in advance so we can prepare the packages.

Duration: 3 h

Number of participants: 10

Language: English, German, ÖGS (Austrian Sign language)

DOnations: 5 - 10 (suggested donation for materials and gear. No one will be turned away for the lack of funds)


Adele Knall - A | M | K (1990, Austria) is a visual artist, radio producer, musician, and cultural and social anthropologist, lives and works in Vienna. Studied Jazz at the Vienna Conservatory and Art and Digital Media at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She focuses on sound, installation, animation, video, 35mm film, language, performance, hacking, sculpture, DIY. In 2017 „50Hz“, a radio project she co-founded, won the Austrian Radio Prize for Adult Education.