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Workshop: Sound Synthesis w/ Zosia Holubowska

  • Sounds Queer? DIY Synth Laboratory 10 Viktor-Christ-Gasse Wien, Wien, 1050 Austria (map)

Introduction to sound synthesis from a more theoretical perspective. We will listen to different sound waves and approaches to creating sound. The workshop will introduce different software (Ableton, Audacity, Reaper, VCV Rack) and how to create sounds in them using plug-ins. You can bring your computer and headphones.

Duration: 2 h

Number of participants: 12

15€ paid in advance. All materials included. (For each workshop, there is one free/gratis spot for folks who are unemployed, migrants, refugees and others who are underprivileged economically. Write us an e-mail and we will help you out. Priority will be given to queer-identified people and women.)

Language: English


Zosia Hołubowska is a non-binary sound artist, musician, and music activist. As a founder of Sounds Queer? they have been organizing and facilitating workshops on synthesizers since 2014. They share their time between performing as a curvy synth witch Mala Herba, promoting femmes and non-binary artists in electronic music as a member of Oramics, and working on their PhD thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, exploring the idea of queer sound.